If you’re trying to cut costs but still want a quality vessel, consider the many benefits of buying a used boat! Once you find the right seller and you know what to look for, there’s nothing stopping you from finding a used boat that matches all your boating needs. 

Here are a few key tips for buying a great used boat.

Research Your Used Boat 

Before heading out to a marine dealership, do some research. You can start with a basic search to determine what size boat you’re looking for, what features you want, and what you are comfortable steering. From there, you can start shopping for used boats that best fit your needs. 

Additionally, make sure to check what previous owners have to say about the specific models you’re looking at. A great benefit of buying a used boat is that you have customer reviews at your disposal. Going over the experiences of previous owners will let you know if there are any serious red flags. If there appear to be any issues, it might not be worth your time to check out the model in person.

Inspect Your Used Boat 

No matter how gently used the pre-owned boat is, you will want to perform a thorough inspection. Make sure to look for any signs of damage or excessive wear and tear. Sometimes, minor wear on the surface level, like scratches and dents, can be a red flag indicating bigger problems in areas you can’t see. 

It’s also important to check out areas of the boat like the motor parts, the quality of the frame, and other major aspects of the vessel. Keep in mind that there is no point in saving money on the initial price, only to spend it on repairs.

Lastly, consider bringing along a friend or family member who has more experience with used boats. And if you don’t personally know anyone qualified enough to guide you, remember that you can always hire a professional technician to perform their own inspection!

Rivers, lakes, or oceans – find the perfect boat to take you there! Buy your used boat at Winnipeg Sport & Leisure, located in Winnipeg, Manitoba and Kenora, Ontario.